José Ángel Díaz García
Contrato Investigador con Cargo a Proyecto
E.T.S. de Ingenierías Informática y de Telecomunicación
C/ Periodista Daniel Saucedo Aranda S/N
Artículos de revista:
- NOFACE: A new framework for irrelevant content filtering in social media according to credibility and expertise
- Non-query based pattern mining and sentiment analysis for massive microblogging online texts
- A survey on the use of association rules mining techniques in textual social media
- A Fuzzy-Based Approach for Cyberbullying Analysis
- Improving Text Clustering Using a New Technique for Selecting Trustworthy Content in Social Networks
- A Comparative Study of Word Embeddings for the Construction of a Social Media Expert Filter
- Mining text patterns over fake and real tweets
- Generalized Association Rules for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
- Fuzzy Association Rules for Text Mining. A use case using twitter to analyse the US presidential election
- Minería de Opinión No Supervisada en Twitter