Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop


The aim of this workshop is to provide a stable, long-term forum collocated with ICAPS (International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling) where researchers can discuss about the applications of planning and scheduling techniques to real problems in contrast to academic toy benchmarks. That is, these domains and instances should be under study for, or closely inspired by, a real industrial/commercial deployment of P&S techniques. This workshop follows antecedent meetings at previous years of ICAPS, particularly the ICAPS?07 Workshop on Moving Planning and Scheduling Systems into the Real World. Challenges and discussions from one year's edition will be used to set the baseline for the successive editions so that the workshop fosters an evolving and cumulative perspective of the applications and their challenges along the years. This effort is intended to converge to a medium/large term set of challenges that could be of benefit for the research community. Authors of accepted papers will be encouraged to share their domains and instances or part of them to start up a library of practical benchmarking problems that could also be useful for the community.

Important Dates

Deadline for papers:June 18, 2008, EXTENDED UNTIL JUNE 23rd
Notification of acceptance:July 11, 2008, DELAYED UNTIL July 15th MORNING (CEST)
Final revisions:July 25, 2008
Workshop date:September 15, 2008
