FLMICMAC data input

The method is based on applying transformations to a square matrix that indicates the relations between the variables that may be relevant for the study being carried. The main strength of our fuzzy proposal is the flexibility it offers to the user as he can specify such relations in natural language, and the method makes the computations using the underlying fuzzy sets. Similarly, the results are given in linguistic terms too, so they are easier to interpret than the decimal numbers obtained with the traditional approach.

Step 1: upload your Excel file containing the linguistic Direct Influence Matrix of your problem. Please make sure the data are in the sheet #0 of the Excel book.
The system will interpret the first row and first column as the variable names so make sure the data matrix starts in the second row, second column of the sheet. Should you had any questions about the Excel input format, please see the FAQ section.

Step 2: please define an ordering between the terms detected in your input file by sorting them (drag-and-drop) from the smallest (top) to the greatest (bottom). Make sure that, at the end, the No-influence term is placed on the top of the list and the Potential influence term (if present) is placed on the second place. Don't forget to check the corresponding option in case potential relations exist in your file.

Step 3: please choose the number of labels desired for the linguistic output of the method, and write their (short) names. These names will be used in the plots generated to depict the results of the method. Write one name in each box, sorted from the smallest label (top) to the greatest (bottom).