

X Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2003

San Sebastian, November 11, 2003



Spanish Network on Planning, Scheduling and Temporal Reasoning


The aim of this workshop is the open presentation and discussion about current research issues of research groups in planning, scheduling, constraint satisfaction and temporal knowledge representation and reasoning. Special emphasis is put on those interdisciplinary works that reveal the close relation and potential of mutual collaboration between subjects like: integration of planning and scheduling, scheduling and CSPs, temporal and resource-based planning, knowledge representation and ontologies and applications (workflow management, timetabling, web services, multiagent systems, resource optimization, etc).


L. Castillo, M. A. Salido (Editors)


Preliminar Program


9:00 a 10:00 Invited talk
Intersection of Planning and Constraint Programming [abstract] [slides]

Alexander Nareyek 

AI CENTER, Carnegie Mellon University 


10:00 a 10:30 

Multi-Agent System Architecture with Planning for a Mobile Robot[paper] [slides]

B. Innocenti, B. Lopez, J. Salvi 


10:30 a 11:00 

Parallel resolution of decomposed planning problems [paper] [slides]

L. Sebastiá, E. Onaindía, E. Marzal 


11:00 a 11:30 Pausa para café 


11:30 a 12:00 

On providing prior knowledge for learning relational search heuristics [paper] [slides]

R. Aler, D. Borrajo, S. Fernández 


12:00 a 12:30 

Kernel-SIM preprocessing in a variational calculus based planning strategy [paper] [slides]

J. M. Corchado, M. Glez-Bedia, E. S. Corchado, C. Fyfe 


12:30 a 13:00 

Razonamiento temporal en tareas de diagnóstico abductivo basado en modelos [paper] [slides]

M. Campos, J. Palma, R. Marin 


13:00 a 13:30 

Abstración de Objetos en Planificación Temporal [paper] [slides]

E. Marzal, E. Onaindía, L. Sebastiá 


13:30 a 15:00 Almuerzo 


15:00 a 15:30 

Una Propuesta para la Minería de Patrones Temporales Borrosos [paper] [slides]

F. Guil, A. Bosch, R. Marín 


15:30 a 16:00 

Local (Human-Centered) Replanning in the SIADEX Framework  [paper] [slides]

M. de la Asunción, L. Castillo, J. Fernández-Olivares, O. García-Pérez, A. González, F. Palao 


16:00 a 16:30 

Aplicación de CSPs no Binarios al Análisis ROC [paper] [slides]

M.A. Salido, F. Barber, C. Ferri, J. Hernández-Orallo 


16:30 a 17:00 

Especificación PDDL de un Dominio de Ensamblaje [paper] [slides]

A. Márquez, C. Del Valle, R. M. Gasca, M. Toro 


17:00 a 17:30 Pausa para café 



Renovación de RNPST y programa de actividades 


20:00 Cena  


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