Translating OWL-S process models into a Hierarchical extension of PDDL (SIADEX).

ProblemEditor is a plugin to the Protégé Ontolgy Editor, based on the OWL-S Editor, that supports editing AI planning domains and problems .Provided an OWL-S Service Model an its data model represented as an OWL Ontology, it allows to 
  1. translate both, the OWL-S Service Model as an HTN planning domain based on the PDDL standard, and the OWL Ontology as a PDDL data model
  2. editing HTN planning problems: the initial state is defined on the basis of instances of the OWL ontolgy and the problem is defined as a high-level OWL-S composite process
In order to install and use this plugin proceed as follows:
  1. Download Protégé 3.1  (select either linux or windows)
  2. Download OwlsTab plugin (and make a copy in Protégé plugins directory)
  3. Download ProblemEditor (uncompress and make a copy in the Protégé plugins directory)
  4. Download  .pprj and .owl (pretty large) files containing an example of business processes modeled in owl-s 
  5. Run Protégé 3.1 and open the .pprj file.

You can also download the .jar files to  use the OWL-S to Hierarchical PDDL translator from the command line (using java Owls2Siadex <owl_filename_input> <pddl_filename_output>). The pddl files generated are represented in a language that can be interpreted by Siadex, an HTN Planner that is being applied in several applications ( A compiled (linux binaries) version of Siadex can be requested at